Meqtron is a registered Washington Engineering Corporation. Our staff includes Professional Engineers licensed in WA and SC.
We offer engineering analysis substantiating equipment compliance with a broad range of published standards, including:
- ADM: Aluminum Design Manual
- AISC 360: Structural Steel Buildings
- ASCE 7: Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
- ASME B30, BTH-1: Cranes, Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices
- AWS D1.1, D1.2, D14.1, D14.4: Steel and Aluminum Welding
- Boeing Material Handling Equipment
- OSHA/WISHA Safety Standards
- Beam Analysis
- Below-The-Hook Tools
- Bolted Connections
- Code Compliance
- Fall Protection
- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer
- Motor Sizing
- Pneumatic Sizing
- Robot Reachability
- Servo Drive Trains
- Stress Analysis
- Throughput Analysis
- Tolerance Stack
- Weight, Center of Gravity, Stability
- Welded Connections
- Work Stands and Loading