Meqtron design services are the backbone of many of our projects, whether we are delivering a turnkey system, or simply augmenting your internal design team.
We focus our creativity to find right-sized, robust solutions to design challenges.
- Bill of Materials
- CAD Models (including SolidWorks, CATIA)
- Component Selection and Cut Sheets
- Conceptual Designs, Sketches, Models
- Control System Design
- Data Controls and Traceability
- Design Document Checking
- Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
- Design Reviews
- Drafting per ANSI Y14, AWS A2.4, ISO 1219
- Electromechanical, Pneumatic, Vacuum, Hydraulic System Schematics
- Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)
- Manuals
- Network Design
- PLC Programming
- Schematics and Single Line Diagrams
- State Machines
- System Integration